Sunday, December 29, 2019

How is Harrison Bergeron a hero - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 710 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Harrison Bergeron Essay Did you like this example? People often have a preconceived notion that a character is either evil or good. As people get older they get wiser, and they realize life is not black and white. In the story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "How is Harrison Bergeron a hero?" essay for you Create order one of the main characters, George, wears a handicap. A handicap is a device to stop him from thinking to much. Georges son, Harrison, comes on a ballet program on the t.v, but because of the handicap, George doesnt recognize him. Harrison is rebelling against his own handicaps and rips them off,encouraging others to do the same. But then the head of the device administrator comes and shoots Harrison, killing him. Although because of the handicap, George doesnt remember his son or anything that happened. Harrison Bergeron is a revolutionary hero because he helped the citizens grow to their true potential as well as being a symbol and figure for rebellion . Lastly he was a hero because he was willing to put his life on the line to fight against the absurd laws that destroy the individual to the point of handicapping societys potential. He is determined to be who he is and set and example of honesty for others. The first reason why Harrison Bergeron is a hero is because he helped the fellow citizens realize their endless possibilities. One example of this is when Harrison told the musicians to play music. The author shows him helping people grow by comparing the music before and after the handicaps, Music! he commanded. The musicians scrambled back into their chairs, and Harrison stripped them of their handicaps, Play your best, he told them (5). The musicians go on to play music that is cheap, silly and false until Harrison strips them of their handicap and they begin to play music that was much better. By including the descriptive words the reader can draw the conclusion that the world is much improved with the handicaps gone. The world would is a dull place with fake emotions because everyone has handicaps, and by Harrison tearing them off he shows a more colorful version of their world. Furthermore being a figure for everyone. Like mentioned earlier, Harrison is an example of rebellion. This leads to him being a hero. At one point in the story a ballerina on the program, George was watching, has to make an announcement. She says Harrison Bergeron has just escaped from jail, where he was held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. He is a genius and an athlete, (3) This is the author trying to convey positive attributes like Athlete and genius in a negative light. By doing this the author is making the reader question if the handicaps are righteous or downright immoral. The ballerina also reveals that Harrison is trying to overthrow the government. By having contrast in the authors story it demonstrates how different Harrison was from what the government wanted him to be. Harrisons tenacious tendency to be himself is unwavering. Harrison Bergeron, sacrificed his life just for the chance to be himself and change the world around him for the better. The author states this by having Harrison get shot and die in the end. It was then that Diana Moon Glampers, the Handicapper General, came into the studio with a double-barreled ten-gauge shotgun. She fired twice, and the Emperor and the Empress were dead before they hit the floor. (5) this conveys the severity and the governments immoral aspects. It also is a perfect example of how he fought for what he believed in till the end of his life, because he believed the world would benefit from his leadership. In closing Harrison Bergeron is a hero, as stated earlier he supported the people around him and encouraged them to develop their talents to their full capability, he was also one of the only people around him fighting back, causing him to be one of the only symbols for rebellion, he was also willing to sacrifice his life to end the governments cruel ways. Only a true hero would relinquish so much to assist others. The reader can take aways a lot from reading Harrison Bergeron, because it makes you realize you dont always have to conform to the standards of society.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Ever since I understood what the military was as a child,...

Ever since I understood what the military was as a child, I wanted to be a Soldier. I wanted to defend and disseminate our nation’s ideals by assisting others in what my nation knew was right. As I grew in the Army as an enlisted member, I decided to become a military officer. Although as a young man I may have made a righteous, albeit impulsive, decision to enlist; the decision to become an officer was not made at all lightly. Witnessed through my experience in the Army, I realize that I am observed differently by society as an officer. With this, as much as I have endured, my responsibilities as a Soldier would inherently change from this point forward. As a Soldier, I want to be a defender of my country while helping other nations†¦show more content†¦It is imperative that my actions are not only expressed as honorable or virtuous, but interpreted that way as well. The people of America trust that the officer corps is a vested authority in which they depend upon fo r the welfare and lives of their children. Without the support of every officer serving as a role model for their subordinates, society will expect less from our military officers, weakening the military as a whole. Transitioning from enlisted to officer is an achievement that results in an increased awareness of responsibility. A few of these conceptions are: take care of Soldiers prior to taking care of myself; plan my career accordingly in order to progress; and to develop people, making the most of their talents. It is imperative to care for your Soldiers first in order for them to be ready to take care of the mission. As an officer, I will be giving the orders, but the Soldiers need to be ready and able to accomplish the task. To ensure I progress in my career, I need to plan for it. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Makah Indians Essay Example For Students

Makah Indians Essay The Makah are a Native Indian tribe who have recently decided to enact theirtreaty rights, and start to hunt for whales. These actions have caused an uproarin North America. The Natives state that they are not doing anything butexercising their legal rights. Opponents to their hunting of whales argue thatthe Makah are a group of uncivilized and inhumane individuals, and that they areharming nature. The reportage of the controversy surrounding the Makah can beseen as ethnocentric in many ways. Through the language used by the mediainvolved in the controversy, one can constantly see the Native people beingviewed as inhumane savages. In turn, this language allows readers to be sentmixed messages about the Makah and their position in the whaling dispute. Finally, the protestors themselves have contradictory arguments which leads oneto question the motivating factors behind their position. In order to fullyunderstand the whaling controversy, it is necessary to understand the history ofthe Makah. They were a group of Native people who hunted gray whales. As aresult of their increased trade with the Europeans, the white man decided toalso enter this hunt for the whale. This competition between the Makah and thewhite man lead to the whale coming close to extinction. Due to their love fornature and respect for the whale, the Makah decided to voluntarily refrain fromhunting whales. It is important to note however, that in 1855, the Governor ofWashington State agreed to the Treaty Of Neah Bay, which gave the Makah a rightto hunt for whales. This is what is at the heart of the controversy. The Makahhave recently enacted their hunting rights of the whale after seventy years, andare now resuming their hunt for whales. The Makah reasoning is a relativelysimple one. In 1946, the gray whale population was 2000, and now their count isover 26,000. They believe that it is safe to hunt for whales again. The Makahhave been a group of people who have relied on whale hunting. . They used theblubber from the whale to feed their families, and they used the rest of thewhale to provide themselves with shelter and tools. However, their opponentshave dismissed this practice of hunting whales as inhumane. Through the languagethat is being used by the media, one can see Native people being viewed assavages. The language being used is not blatantly discriminatory against theNative people, but is done in a subtle, yet powerful way, in order to evoke amessage that Native people are inhumane. One of the reasons for this negativecommentary regarding Native people hunting for whales could be due toethnocentrism. This is the belief that ones own culture is considered to benormal, therefore, other cultures are considered abnormal. The media caref ullyuses words that show their bias towards the Native People. The media tries tomake the Makah look like a band of savages. While writing about a recentanti-whaling demonstration, Peggy Andersen writes, In a simmering disputethat ended with a scuffle and arrests, angry Makah Indians pelted a protest boatwith rocks as the two sides bickered over a tribal plan to hunt graywhales. The wording of this opening paragraph leads the reader to thinkthat it was Makah who were causing trouble, and that they were the ones thatwere arrested. However, if one were to complete the article, they would realizethat this was not the case. Another example of media bias against the Makahpeople is when Jonathan Dube writes, As much as its possible for one deadanimal to give new life to an entire nation, thats what has happenedhere. Dube is implying that it is impossible for an animal that has diedto bring life to a nation, however, that is what has occurred. He does notunderstand how killing this whale c ould give life to the Makah, and therefore,he conveys this message of doubt to his readers. Dube is indirectly stating thatthe Makah need to kill in order to have life. Many readers and viewers of themedia are being sent mixed messages about the Makah and the whaling situation. Understanding The Nature Of Homlessness EssayBibliography(1999, May 18) Stop the Whale Hunt. {October 30, 1999} Available: Author Unknown. (1999, May22) Racism Enters Whale Dispute. {October 25, 1999} Available:;ID=s580242;cat=Anderson, Peggy. (1998, November 2) Melee during anti-whalingdemonstration Shakes both sides. {November 2, 1999} Available:, Peggy. (1999, May 21) Anti- Makah Protests Turn Ugly. {November 3, 1999} Available: asp?Date=052199;ID=s580004;cat=}Dark, Alx. (1999, April) The Makah Whale Hunt.{October 28, 1999}. Available: Dube, Jonathan. (1999, May18) Plenty of Meat To Go Around. {October 26, 1999} Available: Webster,John. (1998, November 3) Anything for an unworthy cause. {October29, 1999} Available:;ID=s477881;cat=